lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Five good reasons to learn a foreign language!!!!

FIVE GOOD REASONS TO LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE and most of all TO LEARN ABOUT “BRAIN FITNESS” or how to keep your brain young!
1.       It helps to improve your own! Will you believe it? It’s true. If you only speak one language, you have no basis for comparison. In different languages, the same idea is expressed in different ways therefore to learn another language will make you pay more attention to your own and understand and use your verbs, prepositions, adverbs and adjectives more correctly. As you develop the learning program you will see that your writing and thinking processes have become more creative. Have you ever realized that many of the greatest writers and poets actually speak more than one language? Their knowledge of the world around them is greater.  A fact without a doubt!
2.       Travelling around the world becomes a pleasurable and edifying experience. When you know, at least a little, of a different language, travelling to another country takes on a whole new meaning. You relax more and you have the chance to understand local habits, stories, etc. that will be totally missed if the ability to communicate is not there. The fact that you try to communicate in another language will make you look, to the eyes of the local people, like someone who is really trying and who values a different culture altogether therefore you instantly become likable (friendly, amicable)!!!! That is another fact and you may put this conclusion to the test, any time, any day! I dare you!
3.       You will be part of that “global village”. It is a fact nowadays that with all the IT tools our world has become a smaller place and mobility, for personal or professional reasons, is greater and faster so for a great deal of people, learning another language has become a must. From a business point of view, most companies have an international projection that requires the use of foreign languages. Here we have another fact for you!
4.       Speaking languages is a Plus+++ in any CV. That is another indisputable fact that requires no further explanations.
5.       Your emotional realm and your education can only be enhanced by learning languages. Have you ever thought about the “new worlds” that can open up for you? I will name but a few: understanding different music, literature, humour, history, and culture will broaden your capacity to see the world from different perspectives. Can you think of anything more enriching?
And if none of the above reasons appeal to you, here is one that I do not believe you can reject! -  BRAIN FITNESS or how to keep your brain young!
Considering all the money and effort we put into keeping ourselves looking good and eating healthily how can we ignore the most important organ in our body? Learning another language is much more challenging and rewarding than any of these games that now bombard us! Recent research studies show that people who can speak more than one language can delay the onset of dementia by four years!!
Here is a recipe to keep you young and entertained for many, many years to come:
Learning a language + getting to grips with a different cultures + traveling = BRAIN FITNESS!!!
I could elaborate for hours on the advantages of what I have explained so far.  It is a fascinating field that has no end! From experience I can tell you that the advantages are greater than the effort! Now you just have to decide what language you wish to learn. My suggestion: English or Spanish at Monbabel, perhaps? Or maybe you have in mind another language?  Please just call us!
 If I still have not yet convinced you, I will be very happy to offer you my services as a professional translator and interpreter. At Monbabel we can organize your translations into different language combinations and levels (you name it!) as well as assisting you personally with any language barrier you may encounter while in Spain (visits to doctors, lawyers, business and shops)
By the way, my inspiration and motivation to write this piece are my students! Aged from 5 to 68!!  I am grateful to them!
MONBABEL, Los Belones 30385, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.          
Mobile: 00 34 609667607

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